They were all in form 5, I know, WHAT WAS I THINKING?? Then everytime Billy passed me he'd be like "MEEOORRRWWW, Wheres my lolipop?" hahah .. And Zameer a.k.a Donkey [damn you] ALWAYS disturbed me during En. Azali's class, and EVERY single time En. Azali would make fun of me and the whole class would laugh.
En. Azali : Cat niihhh, selalu ada yang besar besar kejar, eleehh.
Eleehh Cat niihhh ..............
GAAHHHHH!! It's your fault! Oh well, at least I got my revenge. hahah. My favorite teacher (till today) issss MR. CHUA !!!! Your the best teacher ever !! Taught us how to gamble and lots of stuff, and you knew all these cool phycological stuff. Once during En. Annuar's class, Hayley and I went out to go to the toilet, we ended up sitting and talking to Mr. Chua till the class ended. Heee. That was my closest to 'pontenging' a class of course, other than the prefect duties I have at secondary school now.
The Guys I'd beat up: Ady[main target], Soon [unleashing frustration because of Yi Suen], Kevin [rarely], Zam. I think thats it. Ady used to tell me all kind of things I didn't want to know. I was pure then. When he wouldn't stop I'll just go over and start beating him up. Then, he'd beat me up too.. haha. After extra classes one fine and dandy day, Ady started saying my crush's name and wouldn't stop. Then Kevin joined in. I got all worked up telling them to stop but they wouldn't. I kicked Kev's tee hee and started chasing Ady. I caught up to him, grabbed his collar and somehow pushed him to the ground and walked away, then he started telling me p0rn0 stuff, I flipped him, How? I don't know.. 0.0
The teacher who didn't give me sweets... En. Shariff. Normally, he'll give Debbi, Ern Ern and I sweet, if he doesn't I'll smack him (softly for sure). I threw a pen at him once. My goodness was i spoiled. Those are the most memorable stuff, I post more later in the afternoon, I want to sleep, it's almost 2 am. NITES !
so this is what you've been doing till so late huh? haha. ^^ eee... so does that mean you're corrupted now? haha. chill. dont beat me up. ^^
lol .. VERY .. Your not Ady so I won't be annoyed so easily.. heheh
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